A few days ago

need help with a research paper on…….?

gas prices and driving behavior.

i am doing a survey on this issue and i need questions that i can ask people (that do and DONT drive) pertaining to this issue. I am having trouble coming up with some that dont show bias. thanks for any help

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If you drive . . .

1. Has the price of gas affected how often you drive?

2. If yes, how (check all that apply)? Do you a) drive less; b) car pool; c) take other measures to conserve gas- explain

3). At what price did the cost of gas change your driving behavior?

4. If no to #1, at what price would the price of gas affect how often you drive?

If you do not drive . . .

1) Does the price of gas affect how often you take public transportation?

2) Do you not drive because of the price of gas?