A few days ago

Need a Scientific Article Any?

I need an article about anything that has scientific study behind it. like “study shows that….” I need help can’t think of anything now.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Firstly, I believe you should choose a topic or subject that you’re interested in and do a Google scholar search. That will link you to a variety of academic papers.

A few days ago
Gene for Left-handedness IS Found

Scientist have discovered the first gene which appears to increase the odds of being left handed.

The Oxford University led team believe carrying the gene may also slightly raise the risk of developing psychotic mental illness such as schizophrenia.

The gene,LRRTMI, appears to play a key role in controlling which part of the brain take control of specific functions,such as speech and emotion.

The study appears in the Journal Molecular Psychiatry.

The brain is set up in an asymmetrical way.In right handed people the left side of the brain usually controls speech and language,and the right side controls the emotions.

However in left handed people the opposite is often true and the researchers believe the Lrrtmi gene is responsible for this flip.

they also believe people with the Lrrtmi gene may have raised risk of schizophrenia,a condition often linked to unusual balances of brain functions.