A few days ago

more science fair ideas?

just two more

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Steven G

Favorite Answer

yea i got one….

do something testing drivers stopping at stop signs…

pick a designated stop sign and pick a certain amount of guests…say 50 men 50 women….test how many stop fully, do a rolling stop, or do not stop at all…

u can also do something where u have 2 viewpoints, one where you are hidden and one where the drivers can actually see you watching them…..this can measure how people change based on if they know somoene is watching them

good luck!


A few days ago
embroidery fan
Psychology/Sociology: Do males or females prefer that the U.S. have its troops come home immediately from Iraq? And why? Explore that idea.

Sociology: Compare the healthiness of infants & elders in the U.S. of the 5 major ethnic groups, according to national statistics. Then explain reasons why they differ so much.

Hint: Good book, Joseph Graves, Jr. *The Race Myth* will get you started.


A few days ago
These all sound great! Did you know a potatoe generates electricity? Check it out, and find out how!

A few days ago
How the human auditory system works.

A few days ago
just go to sciencebuddies.org you can take a test and it will give you a project that you will actually be interested in, its great!

A few days ago
potato clock