A few days ago

Obtain a sample space in the random experiment of rolling a die then tossing a coin once/?

i really don’t know how to answer like this one in probability which is in Statistics. I really hate probability coz its soo confusing and its soo random

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Molten Orange

Favorite Answer

The sample space would be as follows:

Heads 1

Heads 2

Heads 3

Heads 4

Heads 5

Heads 6

Tails 1

Tails 2

Tails 3

Tails 4

Tails 5

Tails 6

There are 12 possible combinations that you can get if you toss a coin and then roll a die. You will either get heads or tails when you toss the coin, and will get a number from one to six when you roll the die. Notice that two(heads and tails) times six (number of possible die outcomes) equals twelve. I hope this helps. I just finished a math class, and we had this exact question in our book.


A few days ago