A few days ago
Subhadra Roy

computer games are priming our brains towards violence…..?

hi guys…i hav gotaa deliver a speech on dis particular topic dis monday………..plzzzzz help me as soon as u can…….its urgent!!!!!!!!!!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Thats a lie.

Humans are inherently violent, it is a part of our nature no matter what anyone tells you. Humans were originally hunters and violence was what kept us alive.

Violence is not something video games can prime our brains towards, our brains are ALREADY wired for violence.

On the contrary, video games provide a safe outlet for out violent urges, rather than (say) punch the guy who cut you off in traffic, or beating the crap out of someone who upsets you, which our first instinct is to do.

Violence is just another part of human nature that we deal with, video games have no impact on it at all, SOCIETY is what impacts it, video games are nothing.


A few days ago
Right, games are a different world to ours (with violence). It shows us how cool it can be to be violent and what kind of things (money, jewellery etc.) it can get you so you are tempted and take the offer you are never really shown to have the lower hand in just about any situation, it is normally you who has control and the opponents are usually weak making you think you’d be really good at it in the outside world. You yourself are never in any sort of danger. Also putting on a certificate of age is a tempter to get it because the sort of people who are compelled to buy it usually break rules anyway. (No offence.) This means you have longer to enjoy not only the game but the fact you are playing it illegally. Also you get longer for the violence to “re-train” your brain. You shouldn’t even buy 1 violent game, let alone start this craze. Also, why would you want to play it anyway?!

A few days ago
The most violent times in western history occured centuries before video games were invented. Or movies or comic books for that matter.

The most violent places in the world today are all but devoid of such luxuries as electricity, let alone video games.

The premise is ridiculous.

I think people make this issue out of video games, movies or comic books because they cannot face the reality of violence itself.

They therefore seek to ban its representation, childishly believing that, if they don’t see it, it isn’t there.


A few days ago
who told you that games indulge us in violence,I dint say you are totally wrong but not up to the mark. I mean there are games which helps to develop our mind like puzzles, adventure games to solve the cracks that are hidden. And entertaining games like car race,motor racer.

A few days ago
That will be difficult, considering it’s false.

A few days ago
examples for:

.GTA games like hit and run eg

.over all batlle games

.the gruesomeness

.how to “win” the game u have to kill eg


.learning/logic games

.only “fantasy violence”

.parents should watch wat there kids paly

im a debater too