A few days ago

MLA Citations?

Just wondering when is it appropriate to put your last name and page number on a paper? I’m writing a three page argumentative paper and didn’t know if i’m supposed to include that or not. Thanks!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Yes, indeed! Do a search on the web under that same catagory, you should find all you need. Uh, it depends on the requirements of your teacher, first of all. Some require your name [date, teacher’s name, etc.] on the top and page # on the bottom. Some require both last name and page # on the bottom right.

Citations should be one your last pages; are their footnotes and Reference pages also or everything on one page?

Check that w/your teacher first or friends if they know. Citations are where you got your information from such as “Mr. so-and so states that: ___” where you found Mr. So-an-so’s words from is on that citation page. That would be a book, newspaper, TV, etc. Don’t forget that it needs to be in alphbetical form. Much luck on your paper!