A few days ago
sasika k

Meaning full word for a name beginning from Y?

My school teacher says to me that i have to search a meaning full word that beginning from from first letter from my first name, so i can’t find a word that’s why i ask for you’rs help.

My first name is Yadar

Please help me to find a word.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
ella j

Favorite Answer

Didn’t really get your question.You want a word that starts with ‘y’ and its meaning??

5 years ago
It is a shame to think that the Churches around the world feel the Threat of God’s true name Jehovah, and wish to exterminate it from every place that their remaining parishioners may see it while attending services or reading their own copy of the bible at home. Could the reason be that once again, Jehovah’s Witnesses the exposed the false doctrine so much that Church officials think that if they take God’s name out of the remaining 4 places it is found in most bibles that people will be more gullible and come back to false religion dressed as Christendom? Could be! For the time being, most bibles have Jehovah’s Name at Exodus 6:3; Psalms 83:18 (19); Isaiah 12:2; 26:4 I put into parentheses Psalms 83:19 because in some German bible Jehovah’s name is found there instead of verses 18.