A few days ago

3c + 2(c + 2) = 13 – (2c – 5) steps please?

3c + 2(c + 2) = 13 – (2c – 5) steps please?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Beautiful Disaster

Favorite Answer

3c + 2(c + 2) = 13 – (2c – 5)

3c + 2c +4 = 13 – (2c – 5)

5c + 4 = 13 – (2c – 5)

subtract 13 from both sides

5c – 9 = -2c + 5

add 9 to both sides

5c = -2c + 14

add 2c to both sides



then plug in the number to check your answer

3(2) + 2(2 + 2) = 14

13 – (2(2) – 5) = 14


so the answer is correct


A few days ago
1] Leave the 3c alone for now.

2] For the 2(c+2) portion, multiply everything within the () by 2. You’ll end up with 2c+4.

3] Leave the 13 alone for now.

4] Because there’s a – in front of the (2c-5), you need to change the sign of everything inside the (). The 2c becomes -2c and the -5 becomes +5.

Now, when you rewrite the equation, you should have

3c + 2c + 4 = 13 – 2c + 5

On the left side of the =, you can combine the 3c+2c. On the right side of the =, you can combine the 13 and 5

When you do that, the equation will look like

5c + 4 = 18 – 2c

Next, you need to get all the c’s on one side of the equation. There is 5c on the left and -2c on the right. Add +2c to BOTH sides of the equation. You will get 7c on the left, and the -2c and 2c on the right will cancel each other out, leaving you with just the 18.

Now the equation looks like

7c + 4 = 18

Now, you want the c by itself on the left side, which means you have to get rid of that +4. Do this by subtracting 4 from both sides of the equation. The =4 and -4 on the left will cancel each other out. On the right, 18 – 4 = 14.

Now the equation looks like

7c = 14

Again, you have to get the c by itself, so you have to get rid of that 7. Do that by dividing both sides of the equation by 7.

The equation will look like

c = 2

And that’s your answer!


A few days ago
3c + 2(c + 2) = 13 – (2c – 5)

distribute the 2 to c and 2 and the -(1) to the 2c and -5

3c + 2c + 4 = 13 – 2c + 5

5c + 4 = 13 – 2c +5

add 2c to both sides and subtract 4 from both sides

7c = 13 + 5 – 4

7c = 14

c = 2


4 years ago
a million) 8h=6h-14 2h=-14 h=-7 2) 4x-9+6x-13 10x-21 3) t+10=7t-14 24=6t t=4 4) 2e-12+7e+8 9e+4 5) 2d+10=6d-10 20=4d d=5 6) 8-3k=3k+2 6=6k ok=a million 7) 3c-15=17-c 4c=32 c=8 8) 3y+5.2=2-5y 8y=-3.2 y=.4 9)2m-2=6m-4 2=8m m=.25 10) 4s-a million=8-2s 6s=9 s=3/2 11)6z-7=2z-2 4z=5 z=5/4 12) 18-2g=4g 18=6g g=3 13)5c-15=2c+6 3c=21 c=7 14) 8z+6=7z+4 z=-2 15) 9k+6=7z+4 9k-7z+2=0 sixteen) 9k+6=8k+13 ok=7 17) -2a-9+6a+15 4a+6 18) 7t-4+10t+14 17t+10 19) 14+3n+5n-6 8n+8