A few days ago

Math question?

given that current world population is 6.45 * 10^9 and increasing at the rate of 1.14% per year, calculate the number of years it would take for the world population to double at the current rate

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Helen B

Favorite Answer

(6.45*10^9)*(1.0114)^n = 12.9*10^9

>>>>>>>>>(1.0114)^n = 2

>>>>>>>>>>>>log|1.0114|(2) = n

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>n = 61.148… years


A few days ago
If the present population is P and the growth rate is 1.14% per year, then next year the population will be P + .0114P = 1.0114P, since 1.14% = .0114. In two years the population will be (1.0114)(1.0114)P, in three years it will be (1.0114)(1.0114)(1.0114)P, etc.

Thus in n years the population will be ((1.0114)^n)P.

We are interested in how long it takes for the population to double; that is, what is n when (1.0114)^n = 2?

Take the logarithms of both sides.

log((1.0114)^n) = n log(1.0114) = log 2

So n = log 2 / log (1.0114) = .30103 / .00492 = 61.1

The population will double in just a little more than 61 years.

Notice that the actual population does not matter. Any population with a growth rate of 1.14% a year will double in about 61 years.