A few days ago

math question!?

i have difficulties in fraction can you help me??

What are the types and kinds of fractions?

How will you change mixed to improper fraction(vice versa)?

How will you change dissimilar to similar fraction?

i know that fraction is easy but i need help!its not my homework but actually i wanna know about fraction

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Nikki P

Favorite Answer

what grade are you in? im me the problem and tell me the grade aor you can e-mail me

A few days ago
You change dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by finding the lowest common denomerator, for example if you want to add 1/3 to 1/2 you could convert both to sixth, so it would be 2/6 + 3/6.

if you have a mixed fraction like 2 and 1/2 you just multiply the whole number by the bottom number in the fraction and then add it to the 1/2. So 2 and 1/2 would be 2 X 2 + 1 =5, so it would be 5/2

to turn improper fractions into proper fractions, simply divide the numerator by the denomerator and put the remainder into the form of a fraction. For example 13/4 would be 13 divided by 4 = 3 and 1/4

If you are still confused email me.


A few days ago
there are improper frcations, mixed fractions and stuff like that. U can change a proper fraction to a mixed number by :

5/6 you say how many times does the neumeratot go into the denominator

so it would be 1 1/6 because the denominator ALWAYS stays the same.

I am only in 6th grade so if you need help emial me at [email protected]


A few days ago
we do have common fraction, mixed fraction and improper fraction…to change mixed to improper multiply the denominator by the whole no..and make an addition of the product and numerator…example: 2 is a numerator and 3 is a denominator and 2 is the whole no.. multiply 3 by 2 and that will give us 6 and add to 2 that gives us 8.. we then make it 8 out of 3