A few days ago

math help pleasee?

convert 8 miles to inches

5,280 ft in a mile and 12 inches in a ft.

word problem..

You are taking a trip to Switzerland. You are at the bank exchanging $600 for Swiss francs (which is the money system they use). The exchange rate is 1.5 francs per dollar , and the bank charges a 1.5% fee to make the exchange fee. Was that enough?

a) You brought $10 extra with you to pay for the exchange fee. Was that enough?

b) How much will you receive in Swiss francs?

c) After your trip, you have 321 Swiss francs left. How much is this in dollars?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

8 miles = 506 880 inches

A few days ago
To the first part, multiply 8 x 5280 x 12.

To the second part, as you are doing this one, keep in mind that per means to divide and 1.5%=0.015.

Set up a proportion for your exchange rate:

1.5 francs = ___ Francs

_______ __________

1 dollar 600 dollars

Cross multiply and you get 1.5 x 600 / 1 = 900 Francs

The 1.5% fee would be 900 francs x .015 = 13.50 francs

1.5 francs = 13.50 francs

_______ ________

$10 $_____

13.50 x 10 / 1.5 = $90 for the exchange fee. So, no the $10 is not nearly enough.

The $10 would convert to 15 Francs, so you would have:

900 Francs + 15 Francs – 13.50 Francs = 901.50 Francs

After the trip, you would convert your 321 back to dollars using the same proportion:

1.5 francs = 321 francs

_______ ________

1 dollar ___ dollars

321 x 1 / 1.5 = $214.00


A few days ago
dats p
1. Let x = the equivalent of 8 miles in inches.

1 mile = 5280 ft = 63360 inches

By ratio and proportion:

1mi/63360 in = 8mi/x

x = 63360(8)

x = 506,880 inches

2. a. Let x be the exchange fee which is equal to 1.5% of $600.

By ratio and proportion:


100x = 1.5(600)


x = 9

1.5% of $600 is $9, therefore, you still have excess of $1 out of the $10 for the exchange fee.


b. Le x be the francs equivalent of $600.

$1 = 1.5 francs

$600 = x

By ration and proportion:

1/1.5 = 600/x


x = 900 francs

c. Let x be the dollar equivalent of 321 francs

1.5 francs = 1 dollar

321 francs=x

By ration and proportion:

1.5/1 = 321/x


x = 214 dollars



A few days ago

1.5 franc = $1

1.5% = exchange fee

$600 = amount to be exchanged

a.) $600 – .015(600) = $600 – $9, so yes, $10 is enough to cover the exchange fee

b.) $600 X 1.5f = 900f (exchange fee comes from extra $10 so is not part of this equation)

c.) 321f/x = 1.5f/$1 = 321/1.5 = $214


A few days ago
a.) Yes, it only cost $9.00 for the exchange fee.

b.) SF900.00 -SF13.50 (Exchange Fee) = 886.50 Swiss Francs.

c.) $214.00.

That was too easy.


A few days ago
Curious George

5,280ft x 8 miles = 42,240 ft = 8 miles

42,240 ft x 12in =

506,880 inches = 8 mile


A few days ago
1st question- 5280 x 12

2nd question- i don’t get it