A few days ago

math help???

Can you walk me through these two problems?

1. 4/9 x 7/16

2. 4/5 – 2/3

Those are fractions and I am horrible at them.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1) multiply the numerator “top” and denominator “bottom” of the fraction so:


9*16= 144

so you get the fraction 28/144

simplify by diving by a common number (4) and you get your answer: 7/36

2) find the LCD (least common denominator) which is 15

so you get 12/15 – 10/15

subtract the numerators so you get 2/15.


A few days ago
Okay, for number 1, all you have to do is multiply the numerators and the denominators. Therefore, 4 x 7 is 28 and that becomes your new numerator. 9 x 16 is 144 so that is your denominator. Then your new fraction is 28/144. Simply to make it 7/36.

for number 2, you have to find a common denominator.

both 5 and 3 go into 15 so that is your common denominator. Its 15 because that is the lowest number that both go into. you ahve to multiply top and bottom of hte fraction by the same number so 4/5 in order to make the bottom 15 you have to times it by 3 and that means you have to times 4 by three. your new fraction becomes 12/15. the same thing for 2/3. to make the denominator 15, you have to times it by 5 and then you must times 2 by five to keep it proportional. so the new fraction is 10/15. now to subtract, you keep the same denominator and just subtract the numerator. 12-10 is 2 so the answer is 2/15.


A few days ago
1. 4/9 x 7/16

= (4 x 7)/( 9 x 16)

= 28/144

= 7/36 (reduced)

2. 4/5 – 2/3 (find the lowest common denominator in this case 15)

= 12/15 – 10/15

= 2/15


A few days ago
1) 4/9 x 7/16 make up 7/36

2) 4/5 – 2/3 (the same as 12/15-10/15)= 2/15


A few days ago
Stephen H
First, find the Least Common Denominator for each fraction-set, then do the operations given. Remember that multiplication of fraction times fraction is actually division. For the first one, their being no common multiple, you cross-multiply. Then reduce the resultant fraction to lowest terms. For the second equation, find the common denominator by cross-multiplying, then subtract numerators, then reduce to Lowest terms