A few days ago
aimee! ♥

Life changing event; narrative essay?

“Write about a memorable event that you consider life changing. Use descriptive language for the setting, event and characters.”

Someone help! I can’t think of a life changing event. I guess I’m still young so I can’t exactly say I’ve had a lifetime of memories that were life changing. I’m willing to make something up and expand from that.. Any reasonable suggestions? Thanks!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Don’t make something up, just embellish the details. It helps to write about something small. An animal you saw dead while walking down the road, a bum that you watched for several minutes, a strange couple arguing. So long as you pull a deep meaning out of it, it can be life changing. Consider “seeing this made me realize…..”

5 years ago
I really can’t write an essay right now but I would have to say this exhibit called the Real Life Exhibit. It shows how people have gone through really hard times like being poor and living in a horrible orphanage that is dirty. It made me realize how thankful I am that I live under a roof with a loving family.

A few days ago
Life changing for a young person could just mean something that struck you in a different way from most people and really made you think about it. Maybe you heard a speech or saw a program on TV and it made you think about what it really meant, how it affects you, whatever. Stuff like that works if you haven’t had anything severely dramatic happen to you.

A few days ago
tell about a time when you helped your sick grandparents, and learned about their life and how they grew up during the hard times of the depression and what not. You could even tell a story within a story, and sum up at the end that you learned about the importance of hard work and to not take time for granted.