A few days ago

Kindly suggest measures of crime prevention.?

I need 2 for individual, and 2 for societal/community.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Get everybody to do what the Bible says and live by it, like me!

You have to *CHOOSE* to always do right, and never do wrong, and I do pretty good at it! πŸ˜‰

~Cindy! πŸ™‚


A few days ago
Stephanie Mann
I have been involved in crime prevention over 30 years. Check out my website at: www.StephanieLMann.com

You can find answers to your questions.

Stephanie, Crime & Violence Prevention Consultant


A few days ago
You catch a thief, hang him on national TV

You catch a murderer, hang him on national TV

You catch anyone that has committed any crime, hang them on national TV.

They will never be released to commit these crimes again.