A few days ago

Its about ROMEO AND JULIET!!!?

1. characterize the ff:

a. romeo

b. juliet

c. capulet

d. montague

e. mercutio

f. benvolio

g. tybalt

h. friar laurence

2. what can you say about love of romeo and juliet?

3. if you were the author, will you end the story in the same way that he did?

4. who among the characters inspire you most?why?

tnx in advance!

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

a. romeo-

a boy of 16 dreaming of finding love and person of a nonviolent nature, loyal to his friends, somewhat of a dreamer.He thinks he’s in love with a girl names Roselyne until he sees Juliet. Loyal to his father and his family but tired of the bloodshed between the two factions.

b. juliet-

young, perhaps 14, eldest daughter of Capulet, obediant to her parents, and beloved of her father and mother and especially her nurse who is her companion and confidant Subserviant to her parents and religious in nature. Offered in an arranged marriage to Count Paris by her father unknown to her and later against her wishes.

c. capulet.

Elder and head of one of the two richest and most powerful of Verona, prideful but known as a man of reason. Compared to the Montegut’s he is concidered to be neuvo riche. His family forturne does not have the same lineage as the Moetgut’s and long standing feud between the two head familes had been in existance for generations.

d. montague

Elder an head of the other rich and powerful familes in Verona, the Montegut’s. His family is the oldest of the two families and his ways are perhaps less flamboyant than capulet but the men in his family are very loyal to him.

e. mercutio,

a Montegut family member and best friend and mentor of Romeo, sees himself like an older brother to him, and tends to look after him as such. Like Romeo, he is a dreamer and tired of the violence in the city between the Monteguts and the Capulets

f. benvolio,

another Montegut family member and sidekick of Mercutio,

g. tybalt.

Capulet family member, first cousin of Juliet, highly protective of the Capulet family, brash, easy to a fight, pridefull and with large ego, and known as a man easy to be goaded into a fight if insulted.

h. friar laurence Priest of the local church, and conffessor to Romeo and Juliet and the two families and a man who knows the uses of herbs and natural occuring drugs, potions, and remedies.

2. what can you say about love of romeo and juliet?

It was love at first sight for two young people who until they met only thought they knew what love was. When they met there was an instant attraction, and they fell in love completely the first night they met. There love was greater than the disdain they both knew their families felt for each other.

3. if you were the author, will you end the story in the same way that he did? I would leave it as is because it’s such a classic tragedy but a simple change in the ending where Romeo doesn’t kill himself and Juliet wakes in time to keep Romeo from killing himself they escape to Mantua and live in exile happily ever after. Although as Romeo says “there is no world without Verona walls”

4. who among the characters inspire you most?why

The most inspirational character was friar Lawrence because he saw in the love of these two young people a way to end the feud and bloodshed between the two families through their marriage.


A few days ago
1. Romeo is one of the main characters; he’s the son of Montague and Lady Montague.

2. Juliet is the other main character; she’s the daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet. She was about 14 years old then and still naive.

3. Capulet (or Old Capulet); head of the house of capulet

4. Montague (Old Montague) head of the house of Montague

5. Mercutio- friend of Romeo; kinsmen of Prince escalus

6. Benvolio- nephew of Montegue; friend of Romeo

7. Tybalt- hot-headed nephew of Lady Capulet

8. Friar Lawrence-friend and spiritual father of Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet are star-srossed lovers (they are ill fated due to the positioning of their stars). Their love is forbiden because their families have an ancient grudge (deeply rooted feud)

For numbers 3 and 4: do your work…it is a personal question, there is no wrong answer to that question….

added information:

Juliet was born on a Llamastide (approx aug 1st)… it is a time for summer harvest

romeo & juliet is based on:

a) “Pyramus and Thisbe” by Ovid

b) a narrative poem written by Arthur Brooke (can’t remember the title)

***watch the film Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli (it is released in 1986 though) I just love the part of “holy palmers kiss” juliet is sooooo naive…


A few days ago
oh i guess u r a little girl who doesnt wanna read the romeo and juliet and now wants us to write her homework. i suggest u to read it. why dont people like reading? reading gives u so much, developes ur dictionary, ur speech and after all it IS enjoyable.

A few days ago
this is something you have to read for yourself, your teacher wants your opinion about it, and he knows you in a way that he/she directly knows about if it’s your opinion or somebody else’s in question 2,3 and 4 so start reading.

be aware that movie’s are not the same as reading the story yourself. a movie is the director’s idea of storytelling


A few days ago
shouldn’t you do your own homework!