A few days ago
Riddy M

If no answer put N?

. bandwagon—the idea that “everybody” does this or believes this

b. categorical statements—stating something in a way that implies there

can be no argument or disagreement on the issue

c. personal attack—criticizing an opponent personally instead of rationally

debating his or her ideas

d. testimonial—quoting or paraphrasing an authority or celebrity to support

one’s own viewpoint

The following activity helps you sharpen your skills in recognizing deceptive

reasoning. The statements below are derived from the viewpoints in this

chapter. Beside each one, mark the letter of the type of deceptive appeal being

used. More than one type of tactic may be applicable. If you believe the statement

is not any of the listed appeals, write N.

1. The Supreme Court has a greater obligation to protect the rights of victims

than those of criminals.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I think catgorical

A few days ago
Shanmuga S

A few days ago
old lady
And your question is?

A few days ago