A few days ago
♥ G

I REALLY need help on this problem!!?

how are bias, point of view, meta-cognition, and courage related? please help!! thank you!!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

They are all relative to the particular person you are referring to.

A few days ago
im in sixth grade, so my answer probably isn’t rite, and it should be…interesting. considering i don’t no what meta-cog…whatever that is means. but i’ll try 2 help…

bias- i think it means to change data to make the results in an experiment exactly the way u want it to be, so it’s not always true. (i just learned this in science class 2day…)

point of view- a personal opinion

meta-cognition- (hmmm…i’ll look it up in the dictionaty…) i have no idea. sry. 😛

courage- bravery

hmmm…. i have NO idea if this actually helps. but i tried :)yay! 😛 ***