A few days ago

I need to write an essay.. what does the question mean?

Tell me what this means… plz…

this is the question: What two personal values are important to you and how do you act on them?

What exactly is *personal values* and any examples?

And whats How do you act on them mean?

sry.. im not so good at english

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago
Civis Romanus

Favorite Answer

What do you want most in life, and how do you get it?

If you value intelligence, do you read a lot and study hard?

If you value friendship, how are you a friend, and what do you look for in a friend?

If you value the environment, what are you doing to save the planet?

If you value family, do you spend time with your family? How are you good to your parents and to your brothers and sisters?

These are just some examples. You know, better than anyone else, what is important to you.


A few days ago
#1 padres fan
For a start if you have a question ask your teacher. Don’t wait for some strange person to help you with this question. If you are asking me than personal values can be interpret in different ways and I think all the teacher wants from you is to think your self about what is important to you in life. Something that you care about and other people don’t it is personal to your heart.

A personal value is something you find part pf your core beliefs. For example if you think family is important you may act upon this personal value by being close to your family or trying to make family a high importance in your life.


A few days ago
bia diva
A personal value is something you find part pf your core beliefs. For example if you think family is important you may act upon this personal value by being close to your family or trying to make family a high importance in your life.

Hope this helps


A few days ago
Let’s not complicate this any further. Your values are what are most important to you. These are your guideposts for living. Life brings us across many conflicts and crossroads — a decision point, if you may. This is where your values come into play. Would you steal to give to the poor? Would you cheat in an exam for which you failed to study so as not to disappoint your parents? Would you lie to your partner to save him/her from a painful truth? Would you stay in a marriage for the sake of the children? These and more are challenges to our value systems. Our decisions exposes what we give import to. Values, mind you are, on a personal level, neutral. Society may have its judgments and conventions though. Good luck and I hope I have helped rather than confused you more.

A few days ago
Personal values are things like honesty, truthfulness, and your religion can be a personal value as well. How you act on them is how being that thing makes you act differently from other people who don’t have that value.

A few days ago
For a start if you have a question ask your teacher. Don’t wait for some strange person to help you with this question. If you are asking me than personal values can be interpret in different ways and I think all the teacher wants from you is to think your self about what is important to you in life. Something that you care about and other people don’t it is personal to your heart.

A few days ago
yahoo answers
personal values are things in a character that you like. for example, like loyalty, ambition, a relaxed outlook on life, being level-headed, down to earth. etc etc.

To act on these things is like when you’re loyal to stick with something for the long run. Ambition is always pushing forward. Relaxed outlook on life is like just having the ability to take things easy in any situation and not let it bother you.


A few days ago
it’s ‘what are personal values’… how you act on them, is how you put them into action or use them. personal values can differ according to your culture, regional upbringing, etc. you know, some ppl should really google before they ask questions.

A few days ago
Lou Lou
Its two things that you really believe in.

Mine are

Treat others like you would want to be treated

I believe that if someone wants to live there life different from me they should. (ex: Homosexuals)

If you are still confussed try this website:
