A few days ago

I need to write a speech that is worth about 65%of my English grade. Any good topics?

P.S. I am kinda shy so nothing too emarasing

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A few days ago

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The array of interesting subjects you could write about is immense. I there are quite a few I can suggest. What I believe, however, is best for you is to make a choice taking into consideration the following:

1) what grade are you in? – I mean, the topic, as well of the amount of info., and the depth in which you will delve, differ quite a lot, depending on whether you are writing an essay/speech, for elementary, high school or college.

2) what is your reader/audience’s general interest? – Again, I believe it depends very much on the age range of the people you are writing for. It is definitely not the same to approach toddlers, or teenagers, as it is to seek out the attention of the adult population.

3) most importantly, though, is for you to find a subject which is important to you; or which you at least find to be interesting. – It is always much easier to draw someone else’s attention to something you like, because you have some knowledge of what you are talking about, therefore there would pay attention to what you have to say. (it gives them the impression that you are an expert on the subject jejeje).

In sum, my suggestion to you is that, you either do some investigating on a subject which as late come to your attention and which intrigues you; or freshen up on one you are already familiar with (there might be new developments in that area).

Also, since it is a speech you are given, try – where possible – to make use of visual aid, such as: posters, handouts (maybe a synopsis of your presentation, so that the audience can follow up on the subject at home), projection slides, diagrams, statistics. Use of chalk and the blackboard, may also be a nice touch.

And, this is something I usually encourage, but which depends on the rules you were given by your professor… whenever possible, engage your audience in the presentation. Make it sort of an interactive assignment.

Of course, you should make sure not to go overboard. If you see the others are making too many questions, or questions which you know you are going to address in your speech; then, politely request for them to refrain from asking questions until the end of the presentation. (Because of this possibility, you should incorporate time into your speech for a Q & A period).

Any way,

Good Luck!!!

P.S./ Some topics are:

Of course, there are always things like:

your hobbies (what’s so interesting about it? what made you decide to make it your pass time?);

your favorite movie or song (what about it makes it so special to you?); your favorite sport;

your mentor (what makes this person so special?); your idea of what you will be ‘when you grow up’ (why you wish to become the person you envision when you think of yourself in the future? did something happen to you, that made you decide that you wish to be a —-?;

Some that I believe to be interesting, are:

(A) Global warming (its impact on life today, what are we legating to the next generation?…);

(B) Terrorism (is it a factor in racial discrimination or the other way around?…);

(C) Religion (after the “Da Vinci Code” and the documentary “The Lost Tomb of Jesus”: can we say for sure that a bloodline to Christ does NOT exist? .. );

(D) Parenting (should the government be allowed to say how we reprimand our kids? is spanking really a bad thing?);

(E) Immigration (illegal immigrants go as far as to organize marches requesting benefits and the possibility of becoming legal in the USA: Should they all be judged and labeled “BAD PEOPLE” because of the wrong doings of the few which are ‘supposedly’ committing crimes in this country?)


A few days ago
Can u be more specific. What is that course? English Arts or Communication? What are the requirements, directions for this speech? Just anything you want? About anything? It is up to you. What I can suggest is to avoid controversive topics like: abortion, especially something that has to do with religion. Analyze your audience first and think what everybody will think about you when u give speech. Then you are ready to write! If you are gonna use visual aid use it but do not write to many details that could distract you. You should also do outline before giving speech so it would help you organize ideas!

Last time I made speech about why we should keep private health care system the way it is today and everybody enjoyed it! I reasoned with quality care, research and development and statistics.


A few days ago
Jumpin’ in the Dark
How about talking of your hobby, how you came to be interested in it and how did you acquire the skills to be good at it, what were the challenges you encountered and how you were able to overcome them, and how the hobby affected you personally, as well as the people around you. Find humorous moments and incorporate them into your speech, but have a very good lesson in the end. It’s important that you write in short (concise) sentences that carries your point across. In oral communication, it is important to choose simple words, but opt for synonyms with two or more syllables so they don’t get lost in the audience. Read up on others’ speeches (JFK’s inaugural, for example, which was touted to be elegant) and try to get hints from them. It’s always hard to start, but as soon as you get the first two or three sentences across you’re up and running. Take note of the time the speech might take, and remember, the speech should be “long enough to cover important points, but short enough to be interesting”. Good luck!

5 years ago
Are there personal peeves you have? For example, when you go to the restroom, is the toilet seat as it should be? What about the toilet paper roll? Do you like the way it’s turned? What about places that use paper towels that you’re certain will require the reserection of Hudini to remove? Finally, a two-fold thing,: What about when the hand dryer doesn’t work AND there are no towels–the bathroom paper is low as well. Secondly, don’t you just love it when somoeone had to “do the WHOLE job,” and someone in an establishment seemed to forget about the invention of room spray? Do a comment on all of that.

A few days ago
Write a speech about the many different ways humans help each other in day to day life. Use this question for an example. Or how many different ways humans get information.

A few days ago
Yes write about how mankind cannot really find solutions to the worlds problems we face today such as with warfare. Here we have a world full of modern things but yet with technology we cannot find peace. With the sophisticated technology of todays world we have advanced greatly in things such as with medicine. But yet and still there are no solutions to the worlds health problems. The list can go on and on with crime, death and so on. Hopefully that will help.

A few days ago
Americans should be more supportive of our soldiers.

television should be more censored cause our kids are seeing way too much way too young and our society is going down the shitter.

Pick something your passionate about really, it makes for an easier speech. Even if its about shoes. A really good one would be a universal health care system for Americans.

Good luck to you.


A few days ago
well there are many informative speeches, how to speeches, debate speeches, whats the goal of the speech to inform? a good topic maybe do something people dont know about and not dry try doing something on the new techonology thats interesting do dumb laws, just be creative i like the topics that i would listen to. movies and actors, new technology, computer crimes,

A few days ago
The importance of Education in today’s world would be a very good topic in my opinion–you could expound on the pros and cons of basic and advanced education and the opportunities open to you depending on how far you want to go with schooling. Colleges vs technical schools vs apprenticeships.

A few days ago
Stay away from politics and religion. Pick an agency or cause you like and enjoy talking about. If you like pets or airplanes use those. Make sure your subject is something you are passionate about, then it will not only come easy, you will feel less uneasy about giving the speech.