A few days ago
Jessica jessica_wants_out@ya….

I need some ides about…..Help PLEASE!!?

Alright…this is what I got to do::

Find 3 facts to support debate proposition:

Proposition: All Americans should be required to provide 1 year of national service.

Do you agree or not….give facts why or why not.


Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

This is going to be a bit sticky- It all depends on which side you take. If you’re for it- what are the terms and have to worry about the opposing view like: What makes an American-american? They would argue that most ppl in America are immigrants, so are they supposed to be included too? Furthermore, how about those that are here illegally? How would you set up a system to keep track of those who have/and have not served? This is like saying: Every American should Vote!

So, with all this to consider, I must disagree.