A few days ago

what are some literary devises used in the red badge of courage?

what are some literary devises used in the red badge of courage?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You know that part when Henry is in that wooden grove? Well there’s all sorts of spiritual allegory there in finding God and places of worship in nature.

There’s the other part when Henry is temprarily deaf from a canon blast and sees that poor bloke whose had his jaw blown off crawling past him. I’m not sure where I’m going with this one, but it’s one of the more vivid parts of any piece of literature you’ll ever read. Horrifying, yet beautifully written.


A few days ago
Red Tail
Never read it. Read these and see if you can find them in the story:

Onomatopoeia: a word that sounds like it’s spelled. i.e. BOOM!

Allusion: Reference to something else, usually anothe rpiece of literature. Typically the Bible.

Irony: Something that wasn’t expected to happen, happens. i.e. Alanis Morrisette’s song ‘Ironic’. Rain on your wedding day.

Imagry: The use of adjectives to vividly portray a scene. Allows the readers to see or imagine what the author is talking about. Usually found in LOTS of books. i.e. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm and mellow glow over the trees and flowers dancing on the wind’s waves.



Hope this helps!


A few days ago
This study guide will help you find the literary devices.
