A few days ago

I need help with trying to study for my Ancient History class in college, I hate that class anyways.. heelp me

I need help with trying to study for my Ancient History class in college, I hate that class anyways.. heelp me

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Just don’t read or study the words, but actually try to visualize the scenario and what was going on at the time. Add customs, styles of dress, cuisine, etc. to heighten your imagination.

A few days ago
Smooch The Pooch
The only thing that helped me in those types of classes was to create my own questions and answer them. Because the structure of the class is most likely just study and write essays, it makes it difficult to retain much information. So, make up “tests” for yourself, not with multiple choice…a written answer. Once you feel you have a grasp on the main concepts, then write out an essay.

How you can make the “tests”–read a paragraph or two at a time…pull out the most important point in the paragraph, create a question from that.

Good luck, I hated that class too!


A few days ago
Jennifer B
Make a habit of studying a little bit and often. Like 30 minutes after lunch. If you don’t you’ll never survive the cram before the test. When you try to make yourself read a subject you hate for a long period of time you’ll zone out and think about something else. Your more likely to remember if you give yourself a short quiet time daily. It works best if you go over your notes and reading right after class.

A few days ago
I found this link to help study Ancient History. Hope it helps.

4 years ago
Um, in the event that they reported that, then that is you answer. i’m sorry to assert this yet in many cases whilst a caucasian takes interest, in our custom, we glance to think of that is because of the fact they’re the two attempting to immolate us, or make exciting human beings. There are some very severe high quality caucasians interior the U. S. yet at cases the undesirable can out extensive type the forged. i’m happy you may desire to renowned on the subject of the historic previous of alternative cultures, as on your learn proceed in them, your no longer there for them your there for your self, and no rely if that’s what you desire to do then do it. African American historic previous rule extensive type one : whilst met with opposition, you push previous it.( E.G. Jim crow regulations, balloting rights) permit me share something with you, i’m an mixed african american, I easily have the two dominican and black heredity, whilst i grow to be youthful I went to an all black deepest college. i grow to be no longer ok liked, easily I wasn’t liked in any respect different than by my instructor. the females out numbered the lads and you recognize how depraved we females might nicely be, universal unquestionably wasn’t perfect. they had say i grow to be dumb and many times make exciting of me for being “perfect”. yet you recognize what i ended my education there till I graduated in 8th grade because of the fact the Valedictorian. It incredibly would not rely what they think of of you.