A few days ago

I need help with a constitution question!?

ok….Expanding the Judiciary and White House Privacy…..are these privliges given to the president in the constitution? What does the constitution say about these? Thank you so much for all of the help!!i need the answers to help with my homework. i tried to look in my history book and online i just cant find it.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Baby Poots

Favorite Answer

There are privileges given to the Judiciary and the President of the United States contained in the Constitution; however, these privileges can be deemed “invalid”, as they were when President Richard Nixon was impeached for the Water Gate debacle.

Presidential privilege is much more tenable than Judiciary privilege. Members of the Supreme Court, although Presidentially appointed, serve for life. The nine members of the United States Supreme Court are not historially known for “impeaching” one of their own, regardless of privileges given or not given to them by the Constitution.

The American people, through their desire to seek justice for themselves, have given the American judiciary system, whether the Supreme Court, district judges, county judges, or city judges extreme power over the lives of every American citizen.