A few days ago

I need help choosing a topic for my compare/contrast essay?

I have a paper due today that I need to get working on.

Problem is, I can’t think of a topic.

It’s a compare/contrast essay but I have to compare two people, which makes it a little more difficult.

Any suggestions of who I could compare?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Edgar Allen Poe/ Emily Dickenson

-Both poets, but while Emily wrote about nature and the like, Edgar wrote about dark subjects, Emily was a very solitary person by choice, Edgar was a solitary person because most of his family died, and so on

Dr. Suess/Mark Twain

-Both were male writers and both used pen names, but they lived in different times and wrote about different things

Marie Curie/ Albert Einstein

-Both highly intelligent people of the 1800s, both made highly praised contributions to science, but Curie was a woman


-Both studied the movements of the planets, lived in different times


A few days ago
How about a celebrity like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, or OJ Simpson with you.


-You are all American citizens

-You are subject to the same laws and must obey them

-Each of you has some sort of talent except they get paid for exhibiting theirs.

Then you can get into how things are different. What would happen to you if you drove a car drunk or murdered someone. Would you be able to afford a high priced lawyer? Would you get house arrest or five hours in jail?


A few days ago
~ Floridian“
Have some fun with it…compare Homer Simpson and the Family Guy!

A few days ago
Compare and contrast Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump. It would be fun to show how they are similar, since they are such avowed enemies.

4 years ago
Congressional debates. there are various similarities yet some variations. or perhaps Presidential debates. some variety of political debate. the subject count on my own will probably bump your grade up a single letter.

A few days ago
smoking banned.

1st person pro (idealist / nature lover people)

u must describe abt the smoking risks, its effects for the health, etc, etc

2nd person (government, cigarette company / labors)

u must describe abt the cigarette companies as the one of the biggest tax payer which mean biggest payer for the gov’s income. also that they employ so many people as the labor´, etc.