A few days ago

Compare and contrast the early development of the colonies in Virginia and New england?

Compare and contrast the early development of the colonies in Virginia and New england?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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First, look at a map. Do you see the mountains? Do you see any big valleys? How much of the land is flat?

You’ll notice that New England is pretty mountainous and between the ocean and the mountains in Virginia is a lot of flat land. So, where would you want your farm?

Suppose you had goods to sell in Maine. Since there were no planes, trains, trucks or cars, how would you transport your stuff? Would it be easier to load it on a boat and float it south, or load it on a wagon and haul it over the mountains to Vermont?

Who were the early settlers in New England? Were they rich or poor when they arrived? How about Virginia? Did they flee Europe for Virginia, or did they come because the king gave them a bunch of land as a favor?

You know this stuff. Now think about it and conclusions will come to you. Trust me.