A few days ago

I need an essay topic relating to a controversial issue, such as cloning, animal testing, climate change.?

the topic needs to be really specific like why the emission of nitrogen into the atmosphere creates more intense hurricanes. something really specific. Thanks!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I just did this last month in a college science course:

Impacts of Eurasian Milfoil on MN Lakes

Other possibilities:

1. Considering the rise in famine and world hunger, should more affluent countries be using corn (a potential food source for millions) as fuel?

2. Slash and burn agriculture in the tropical rainforests

3. Arguments for and against eating lower on the food chain (think energy/consumption)


A few days ago
Seems as if you already have some good topic ideas.

One idea or problem which fascinates me is what sort of ethical conflict we may encounter when developing artificial intelligence, e.g. “How should we define or limit the rights of androids?” or “Should androids enjoy human rights?”

Another one is whether we should fund and support a mission to Mars. Should we discontinue the Space Shuttle? Should we develop and fund programs on Earth’s Moon?

I just happened to look down into my book bag. I have a copy of Harriet E. Wilson’s Our ***; or Sketches from the Life of a Free Black, republished in 1983 by Vintage Books. Mrs. Harriet E. Wilson entered the copyright in August of 1859 at the District Court of Massachussetts.

Maybe you could examine the issues surrounding the use of language such as n-ig-g-e-r and white trash. I know woman who refuses to stop using the phrase white trash. On the other hand, recently there was a public ceremony of a mock burial of the n-word. Should we ban the n-word, or is there a legitimate use for the word, and if so when is it appropriate or useful?

How about words like ****, greaser, taco, when applied negatively to Latin American or Mexican immigrants?