A few days ago

How would you graph this?


Like what do you do? Down 1 or something and up something?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Juniata P

Favorite Answer

Plug in different values for x. If x=2 then y = -1/5

If x= 4 then y = 3/5. Just plug different values in for x to get your y and then graph the points (x,y) Hope this helps a bit.

If you have a ti-85 calc you can go to the y= button and type the function in to see what it should look like. good luck


A few days ago
Lynn A

Start with -4 for x. If x were -4, then y would be -1. Try to come up with whole answers, not fractions.

Next use 6 for x. If x were 6, we’d have y become 1.

We see the run (x) is 10 to the right, and rise (y) is up 2.


A few days ago
Its a line intersecting the y-axis at -1/5 and it goes up one over five. Its easier to look at it like this:


remember rise/run