A few days ago

How do you say “My brother, Kason, is studying to be a firefighter” in Spanish?

I got:

Mi hermano, Kason, es estudiar bombero.

My teacher crossed out the “es”, and the letter “r” on estudiar. then underneath he wrote “Para Su” (i think that’s what it is, I can’t read it. it could be Pera, or Peru. The P and R I’m sure of but the first vowel could be an a, u, or o, and the second vowel could be any of those too. i’m pretty sure the second word is su).

so how do i say it? thanks for all help.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Mi hermano, Kason, estudia para ser un bombero

A few days ago
Mi hermano, Kason, esta estudiando para ser un bombero.