A few days ago

How do inflexible leaders affect productivity?

How do inflexible leaders affect productivity?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

An inflexibile leader is one who goes by the a strict set of rules and won’t take practical things into consideration when making business based decisions.

Example: When the temperature hits a high the inflexible leader says “no money in the budget for air conditioning” and no extra water breaks when it gets uncomfortably hot. The result, people get sick from the heat and with fewer staff to do the work productivity goes down. Unfortunately some leaders say – see I was right- staff quit and we couldn’t meet our goal. this leader never sees that the air conditioning would have made staff more happy, they might have increased productivity and made even more money. The inflexibile leader blames loss of productivity on the staff.

another example – the inflexible leader says we have to use cheaper supplies to create our product. cheaper supplies made poor quality products and they must be done over again.

good luck


A few days ago
Inflexible leaders affect productivity in negative ways. They have to keep up with changes in technology and manufacturing costs and the needs of the workers. If they are in a position to be manipulated by the owners of production they will become corrupt, in the end they will most likely be found out. The danger lies in the final loss of the consumer by raising prices out of reach. Production cost is the key to keeping prices down. Leaders have an obligation to see that production costs are kept at a minimum to increase profits and keep workers salaries in line with the increasing cost of living. A leader is inept if she or he does not know how to bend with the winds of change. Production is an ever changing enterprise and those changes must be addressed.