A few days ago

How do I take good notes for class to help me get an A?

How do I take good notes for class to help me get an A?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You can either write everything your professor/teacher says whether you think it’s important or not.. Or you can ask him/her if he/she minds being recorded and get a tape recorder or a digital recorder and record everything that is said. I have no problem taking notes, but I find that a lot of people do that.

A few days ago
1. Ask your teachers if they are willing to provide you with an outline of what they intend to teach. This will help you to follow along and add notes as needed.

2. Use different colored pens when taking notes. This helps you to remember the information. The brain loves color!

3. Always rewrite the notes later at home, using different colored pens, making them as logical and organized as possible, and add little thumbnail sketches when appropriate, as this will also help you remember.

4. Type your notes up in a quiz format, then use it so you and a study buddy can quiz each other until you know the information really well.

5. If it is a math class, you will need to practice the formulas and concepts repeatedly by doing problems over and over.

6. Make a vocab study sheet (this is good for many subjects, such as literature, science, history, etc.) by listing: (a) the word (b) the part of speech (c) a brief definition (d) a thumbnail sketch of how you would act out the meaning (e) an example of the word used properly in a phrase or mini-sentence. Each line should be a different color ink.

7. Study well ahead of time so your brain has time to make connections while you are doing other things, such as relaxing or sleeping. In this way, your will have better understanding of the material.

8. If you learn well by listening, use audio books to your advantage by reading and listening at the same time when you do reading assignments. These CDs or tapes are available at the library.

9. You can try to tape the lecture, but I found this tedious and not particularly successful.

10. Always jot down any questions that come to mind during class, and ask your teacher about it at the first opportunity, so you don’t forget. Write down the answer, as later that might generate even more questions.

I admire your motivation to learn and your inquiring mind. Best wishes to you!


A few days ago
If the teacher repeats something it will probably be important so make sure you write it down. One way to take good notes is to first jot every thing down that is important. Don’t worry about making it sound whole until later.

EX. -the sun is a star

-Venus is the hottest planet

I mean to put in in bullet format. One statement of fact after another. Once the lecture or book is done take your notes you jotted down and make complete thoughts with them on a seperate piece of paper. If the info comes from a book write the page you got it from. By writing it again you help to add it to your memory and increase your thought process.

EX -The sun is the largest star in our solar system. It is a such and such star.

-Venus is the hottst planet due to its atmosphere. Which can range from temp. of blah and blah to blah and blah.

(If this is for highschool or college and you have a tape recorder ask the teacher if you can bring a tape recorder to class if you know a long winded lecture is going to go on.)

Taking notes while a lecture is going on is hard so if you miss a point ask the teacher to repeat what you missed or go over your notes with someone elses.

Hope this helps


A few days ago
the first thing you need to do is sit up

i know it sounds corny and pointless but it really helps you pay attention

the next thing is to think about the notes as the teacher explains them not just to mindlessly copy them down because you might not be able to decipher them without the teachers explanation

(trust me this stuff happened to me; but i still got an A)

after you understand what the teacher is saying copy down the notes, it shouldnt take you more than a minute to get what the teacher is going at then you should copy down all of the relevant information like formulas and stuff

when you are done dont start talking to people around you i know it can be tempting but the teacher almost always mentions things that are going to be on the test after he is done explaining the notes e.g. for the test you are going to have to know this stuff*points to a place on the notes*

if you are talking you will miss it and not know where to focus your studying

at home when you are doing your homework take out your notes and use them for referencing stuff you dont know off the top of your head or dont remember

by the time you get to school the next day you should know the material without having to look back on the notes or ask a friend ( i prefer the lazy approach to measuring how much i know; i see if i can answer the questions without trying and the more i have to think to figure out the answer= the less i know)


A few days ago
If you are visual as I am, then write all the notes you can during the lecture.

Within 3 hours after put them on your PC. This will require that you understand the notes. It is also a review.

When you are not sure about a notation, go back to the teacher and clarify it. This interaction will also help move you towards an A

Good Luck


A few days ago
Write down as much as you can during class and then go back and organize it into an outline, underlining the key points and writing out examples the teacher gave, while it is still fresh in your mind. (Those examples will be revisited on exam essays.)

Don’t be afraid to go to your teacher and have him or her review your notes to make sure you’re getting the key points, or to clarify if you have any questions. If you’re in grade school or high school, it’s their job to teach you. Further, if you’re a university student, you’re paying for an education so be sure you’re getting it.


A few days ago
lala girl
Get permission to tape the lectures and listen to them before test time ; >