A few days ago

how did the new world effect the old world?

plzz help me answer this

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
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Inflation, for starters. With all the gold and silver found, inflation tore through most of the WEuropean capitals

A few days ago
You’re talking about how America had an effect on Britian, right? Ok, well Britain(england) gained more of a profit then americans did. The king had laws that made it so that the people in america didn’t get the money they earned by finding gold, food, etc. but the king got all of the profit. Here is a chart to help:

1. king pays colonist minium amount for goods

2. king charges other countries(spain, sweden, etc) three times as much as he paid the colonists.


A few days ago
How so? Economicaly? Socially? Politically? from what decade to what decade? Specifics please.