A few days ago

how can someone be an american patriot?

i am writing a 5 paragraph essay, due tomorrow, on why i am an american patriot.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, esp. of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.

(initial capital letter) Military. a U.S. Army antiaircraft missile with a range of 37 mi. (60 km) and a 200-lb. (90 kg) warhead, launched from a tracked vehicle with radar and computer guidance and fire control.


4 years ago
As stated, it relies upon on attitude. To the Brits, the yank colonists have been for sure rebels. yet i’m guessing you seek for help with some variety of homeworks assigment, so we would assume the attitude worried is American — so we’ve been the patriots in the progressive conflict. As for spies and their contribution to that conflict, I propose you do a splash analyze on the subject remember. superb first place to start may well be a topic remember seek of books on line of you interior of sight library. then you certainly will prefer to perform a little skimming to define phrases and slender your concentration earlier doing a 2d on line seek (additionally in the time of the library) of artlicles from journals and periodicals. of direction, if that’s something due the following day, you ought to probable in basic terms skim around Wikipedia for some subject-loose documents and desire you are able to squeeze out a C. Assuming somebody delivers a usable answer at right here, i ask your self how which will look in the Works noted…

A few days ago
an american patriot is some one who loves hi or her country and obeys all the lawsn yahhhhhhh dog!