A few days ago

how can i write an editorial stating to the public whether or not they recommend the play, “Julius Caesar?”

can u give me tips about how and what to write.. also, what should i write about first.. can u give me reasons too… sorry if i ask too much… i’m just getting really tired and stressed on it…

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Each type of assignment wants you to figure out how to write an essay with different goals. If they wanted you to write it from the perspective of an ad, for instance, the teacher would want you to give the exciting points that would make an audience want to go. If they gave you the assignment of writing a review from a sword maker’s review they’d want you to discuss all the scenes with swords and whether they show accurately how swords are used.

But this is an editorial. Picture an editorial in a standard daily newspaper. What do editorials generally care about? Current events. Are editorials written from a neutral perspective or do they argue in favor or against something?

So make an argument, aimed for someone with at most a 6th grade or so vocabulary that argues why or why not Julius Caesar should be seen by today’s audience with today’s political events in mind.

What was the author’s theme? Was it about tyranny vs. freedom? Conspiracy? Unintended consequences? Opportunism? Public service vs. private convictions?

Whatever you decide the theme is, plug it into current events. Make sure you don’t make it sound like a call for assassination, no editorial would do that (at least in the US or UK or Canada.) Sorry, can’t write it for you. But I hope these nudge you closer to the right approach.