A few days ago

homework help – story?

i have to write a short story including me init (i am a girl) it has to be funny. and it is due tommorrow!

i have no ideas plz help me ๐Ÿ™

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

just take any old embarrassing memory, exaggerate it to death(e.g. getting angry would be frothing at the mouth with agitation). Make it really descriptive. Use techniques such as alliteration to make it more fun to read. When you get to exciting moments use short sentences.

A few days ago
What about a story line of a girl (that could be you) that is totaly in love with the most popular boy in school, but he has no interest at all and he likes this other girl that you hate. So later on in the story you can go off him and go out with this boy that really likes you (but you can explain how you havnt lost any feelings for this other boy and you still love him but your hiding it away) and in the end it could turn out to be that

this other boy that you liked in the first place and love begins to like you, and you end up kissing him and falling in love with each other. Its kinda of a romantic story.. i used the story line and i got really good grade for it!

I hope this gave you an idea, of course you can add your own bits in it.

Tell me if you decide to go ahead with this idea.

Good luck hunะ„h x


A few days ago
Why dont u write about something that has happened to you…….or if you can’t think of something funny thats happened to you…make it up! One day i decided I’d had enough of my brown hair….wanting to make a statement i decided to die it blonde….I’d heard that blondes were usually dumb but i thought that.. nah it couldn’t be true….just something people made up! So i took the plunge,,,,,dyed it blonde and thought WOW my hair looks amazing…..then i fell of my chair! That was the start to my horrendous week of being a ‘dumb blonde’…..make up a few stories…….my blonde mate once (when we were walking to school ) stated boldy that ” her eyesight was crap, and she needed glasses) then walked straight into a lamppost! Think of a few more stories then end it with something like…… I’d had enough, too many ‘blonde’ things had happened so to get back to my normal self…i needed to buy some brown hair dye…going into the chemist i noticed a big sign next the dye saying FREE…(woohoo i could get my hair back 2 normal for nothing)…..i shouldve read the small print…..FREE..hair cut with every bottle…..and had the man behind the till running after me screaming like a banshee to pay! only a few ideas for you….hope it helps! ๐Ÿ™‚

4 years ago
ensure which factor of the door Sam chanced on himself (grow to be he interior or exterior) AND ensure Sam’s courting with Mrs. Thomas. grow to be it an inner door (to a room) or an outer door (to the exterior). the place grow to be the door . . . a house, a school, the courthouse, the wellbeing club, the keep, etc. grow to be she his instructor (math, English, historic previous, wellbeing club), his aunt, his college crucial, an officer or courtroom professional , etc. in spite of decision(s) you’re making to those and different concern-unfastened questions will take you in a course and could bring about added questions . . . as you answer those questions, the path (or tale) develops and your homework is finished. you may answer in yet in a distinctive way and attempt countless distinctive tale lines, before everything. that is exciting stuff, make if take place – sound super! you have a super instructor who needs to make gaining wisdom of exciting for you!!

A few days ago
sleep for some time but before sleeping u must tell to u r self that i should dream about something funny. i think that his will include u if not make a character as u

A few days ago
Ed S
Think of a time when you did something really stupid like tripping over something while walking with a bunch of friends in a public place while trying to act grown up.

Think of something that really happened.


A few days ago
u can make it abt a day when vrythin is goin wrong. u were late for skool n at skool u found out u were wearing ur floaters in place of the skool shoes n add on other such mistakes.

A few days ago
How about this…once upon a time, there was a girl that waited until the last minute to do her homework….then add all the answers you get to your question.

A few days ago
just do an embarrasing personal experience theyre soo funny ๐Ÿ˜€