A few days ago

HOMEWORK HELP FOR IDEAS PLEASE!!!:( : what would be your perfect money situation for any utopia assignment?

I can’t think of any …. Please give me some ideas 🙁

I REALLY NEED to finish this project

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It’s from my Utopia assignment

It saids that from my project, the utopia assignment that it needs to include social , economic, political, and spiritual features charactristicsof my utopia… I know it wants me to describe the perfect money situation, the perfect laws, and the perfect religion. It also wants me to describe how I would want everyone to treat one another. So I’m asking what would be your perfect money system for your perfect place?

I’m out of ideas

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

perfect money situation is to be able to buy what you need but not necessarilly all you want (u dont want to seem greedy)

and you do not want to have a load of money that you do not know what to do with (like most celebs)

perfect laws would be pretty much what they are now although i do think that life sentence should mean life imprisonment, though if it is utopia why should you need laws?

now perfect religion i cant advise on this sorry….. i’m not too sure if there is a perfect religion or ever will be