A few days ago

HOMEWORK help !?

i have this history project & i need to find quotes about why the U.S.A. should own Puerto Rico, but the quotes have to be from like the late 1800’s to early 1900’s. I’ve been searching online & can’t find anything, so please help!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Stop in the name of glove

Favorite Answer

wow, sounds like you have an unfair teacher.

I could never think of that, or even find a webpage for that. Try talking to your teacher to expain it, as long as its not due on monday, then you are in trouble


A few days ago
world of quotes.com is a good site for quotes but I am not sure the island was named Puerto Rico in the 1800s or if the USA knew about it yet. Good luck.

A few days ago
Tried searching in your SOCIAL STUDIES TEXTBOOK?

If it’s not in there, your teacher is probably a bit out of it. Unless you’re in high school. Then it would be a more than fair assignment. πŸ™‚


A few days ago
Run For Your Life ! πŸ™‚
Welll you should try different search engine…IF u havent tried already try:

http://www.lii.org or http://www.sholar.google.com

Both give you very good searches They may give you better search results…If they dont then I dont know how to help you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Magu Tree-tree~~~