A few days ago

Homework Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How will your Attitude make a big diffrence in your performance in Art.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Attitude makes a big difference in your performance in anything. If you are a positive person and approach all new tasks and learning in a positive way, you will be more likely to succeed. Your work will show that you are a positive person, and that you look at the world from the perspective of silver linings and a glass half full. You will be more likely to make the best of things, to work hard, and to believe that your work will bring good results.

A few days ago
emily o
I’m not exactly sure but hear’s the definition:

Altitude is the elevation of an object from a known level or datum (plural: data). Common data are mean sea level and the surface of the WGS-84 geoid, used by GPS. In aviation, altitude is measured in feet. For non-aviation uses, altitude may be measured in other units such as metres or miles.

Atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude increases. This principle is the basis of operation of the pressure altimeter, which is an aneroid barometer calibrated to indicate altitude instead of pressure. It is the fall in pressure that leads to a shortage of oxygen (hypoxia) in humans on ascent to high altitude.

Mabey the pressure that leads to the shortage of oxygen to make you less focuced. Hope this helped!


A few days ago
wow… it makes all the difference in the world!!!!!

any kind of art, whether its written, viual, or performance art, is determined by your attitude about it.

for example, you remember that kid on american idol a couple of seasons ago that they called chicken little? the little guy that wasnt a good singer, but oved performing and music soo much that america kept on voting for him?

like that.


A few days ago
Because if you have a bad attitude then nothing will seem going for.. Not only in arts but in everything..in life..

A few days ago
attitude affects your mood, and your mood affects your art, but a bad mood doesn’t always affect your art in a bad way

look at Picasso’s blue period- he was sad, and people will pay millions for just one of his paintings in that period


A few days ago
Because if you have a positive attitude your “perspective” (how you view things) will change

A few days ago
I have a question for you how do you have homework when it is summeer?