A few days ago

A triangle as equilateral, isosceles, or scalene?

Doing this problem and this triangle has 60 degrees on the bottom left and on the bottom right only. Is it equilateral, isosceles, or scalene and how do I know? Thanks.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all three sides of equal length. So its a equilateral triangle.

A few days ago
Lee Ann R
Since a triangle has a total of 180 degrees, and you already know that both the bottom angles have 60 degrees, the top angle must also be 60 degrees (that’s all the degrees you have left to work with). Any triangle that has all the angles the same number of degrees, will also have all the sides of equal length. Therefore this is an equilateral triangle.

An isosceles triangle (two sides of equal length) would have two angles of equal degrees, but not 60 degrees. For instance, you could have two angles with each having 50 degrees, and the third angle being 80 degrees.

A scalene triangle is going to have three angles that are all different.


A few days ago
equilateral all 3 angles are 60

if two angles are 60, their sum is 120. All triangles must have 180, so 180-120 is 60.

All three angles of that triangle are equal


A few days ago
Kay B
If it has 60 degrees both places then there is only 60 more degrees so it has to equilateral for all angles are 60 degrees and all sides would be equal

A few days ago
Ur Question
equalateral a triangle interior angles all add up to 180 which would mean that the other angle would be 60 also all sides would then be the same