A few days ago

Help with the Puritans?

Who the Puritans were, what they believed, and why many Puritans left England and settled in Massachusetts after 1630; b) some of the ways in which their religious beliefs affected settlers’ daily lives in the colony demonstrate the central importance of Puritanism in the early development of this colony.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

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This Wikipedia article should prove quite helpful:


Wikipedia articles are searchable by section. You may want to skip to the section on emigration.

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A few days ago
Eric N
Puritans were people who believed that could “Purify” the Church of England. Some thought this a losing effort so the left for the new world to creat a Godly community, a “City on the Hill” Their core belief was predestination which is the belief that humans have no free will and God knows your full fate before you were even born.

Their belief system made them a successful colony since they had a sense of unity from their religious beliefs. Since they all were predetermined to go to Hell or Heaven, (and most would go to Hell they believed) it would be better for them to support the colony so they could live a good life on Earth. Later they believed they would spend eternaty in the flames of Hell.