A few days ago

graphing equations please help?

How do you graph these equations?

y = -3x + 4

5x – 2y = 10 x

= 4 y

= -2

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

To graph a line, it is helpful to have two points. You can plug any number in the equation for x and number crunch to solve for its corresponding y value. Do that for a second value of x, and you’ll get a second value of y. plot those points on a graph and draw a straight through them.

for example,


set x=0, then y=4, so one point on the line is (0,4)

set x=1, then y=1, so another point is (1,1)

draw your line THROUGH both points


what is y when x=0? y=0 or (0,0)

what is y when x=2? y=-5 or (2,-5)

not sure what you meant by

=4y and
