A few days ago

Help with homeschool question! (ASAP)?

So I am having trouble with this question and since I have no one around me to ask for help I am coming to you all and hoping that you all will help me understand this.

Sentence: Each section competes with the others to see which group will be the most productive.

Question: Each section competes is underlined in the sentence and it is asking for the figure of speech…So I have looked and I have just become confused.

Thankyou for reading and to all who respond, I really appreciate this. 🙂

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Nita and Michael

Favorite Answer

A Figure of Speech is where a word or words are used to create an effect, often where they do not have their original or literal meaning.

If someone says that they are ‘starving’, they do not mean that they are in fact dying of hunger, but that they are very hungry. This is a simple example of a figure of speech, where the word is used to heighten or increase the state that they are describing. A metaphor or a simile are two of the most common forms used.


A few days ago
The PARTS of speech are what I think you mean:

EACH–adjective, identifies section

SECTION–noun, subject of the sentence

COMPETES–intransitive verb (these do not contain/have a

direct object.)

WITH THE OTHERS–prepositional phrase; with (preposition),

the (definite article), others (noun)

TO SEE–verb phrase; to (a preposition), see (verb)

WHICH–adjective; identifies group


WILL BE– verb phrase

THE MOST PRODUCTIVE–adjective phrase; the (definite article; most productive (both are adjectives)


A few days ago