A few days ago

Help with definitions!!?

These are some of murphy’s laws. Can someone tell me what each of them means!?? pls!!

1. No matter how long or how hard you shop for an item, after you’ve bought it, it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.

2. Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.

3. When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly.

4. The other line always moves faster.

5. You will always find something in the last place you look.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Essencially, murphy’s laws always mean the same thing: if it can go wrong then it will go wrong.

Basically he must have been a very pessimistical person indeed, and all his laws mean to bring you down, to convince you that you will only find negativity in life but

I believe that there always is an equal amount of negativity as well as of positivity, so I don’t believe that the other line always moves faster and such bull.

It is however true that if we think negatively, we mightl influence events around us to turn negative on us, just start by having a frown first thing in the morning instead of a smile, and everything else will just “fall into place”.


A few days ago
1 companies are in competion so chances are once you buy something someone else will be selling the same item for less this is espesially true with electronic items as production becomes more automated and efficiant

2 if you make something very simple it wont be enough of a challenge to most and they will get bored with it

3 some items are not always working correctly but some of the time they do thus a repair is hard to diagnose with no symptoms present at the time

4 basically dumb luck or lack there of combined with the other line may only seem to be moving faster

5 since you have found the item you no longer need to look

all generally are restating murphys first law wich is if anything can go wrong it will


A few days ago
1. What you pay for is always a rip off … unless its free

2. If its too simple, smart people will not be drawn to it, because after a certain point, its demeaning

3. ?

4.human tendency, what someone else has looks better because its not yours!

5.(If you find it in the last place, why would you keep looking?) sometimes the act of looking is more important than finding, so you will not find what you are looking for, because that is not your main concern.


A few days ago
They are each examples of Murphy’s law and are meant to help you understand what murphy’s law is.

A few days ago
Corey B
2. dummy proof