A few days ago

help,,,,,, statistics……………..?

A data set consists of 33 whole number observations. Its five-number summary is (16, 20, 22, 30, 46).

1. What is the range of the data?

2. Tell what the five numbers in the five-number summary represent. Be specific.

3. How many observations are strictly less than 22?

4. Is it possible that there is no observation equal to 22? Explain briefly.

5. Test for outliers. Are there any outliers?

6. Approximately where is the mean? Briefly explain your reasoning.

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A few days ago

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well, i’m going to guess that the five number summary is going to be

(minimum value, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, maximum value)

1) the range of the summary is 46 – 16 = 30

2) see my assumption

3) if the third number in the summary is the median then 50% of the data points are less than 22.

4) yes. for example, (20, 21, 23, 24) has a median value of 22 even though the element 22 does not exist in the set.

5) one rule of thumb for outliers would be any value more than 1.5 IQR from the first or third quartiles.

the IQR is the inner quartile range and is the difference between the 3rd and 1st quartile which would be 30 – 20 = 10

1.5 IQR is 15

any values < 1st quartile - 15 or any values > 3rd quartile + 15 would be considered outliers by this rule of thumb.

there is no outlier on the lower side. the max value of 46 is an outlier as it is more than 15 units above the 3rd quartile.

6) the mean is greater than the median. the data is positively skewed and that will move the mean above the median.