A few days ago
Brian R

Help me with mythology its for latin class?

I need to make a posterboard presentation about Vulcan (Hephaestus) and im thinking of drawing some of the things he created and talk about them, but the Wikipedia article sucks so does anyone know what armors weapons and anything he made?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If I remember my mythology it was he who fashioned Zeus’s lightning bolts and Poseidon (Neptune’s) trident. He also was instrumental in the fashioning of the sword, shield and helmet of Perseus.He also attempted to prevent Prometheus from giving fire to man by warning him of the consequences. I don’t know much else. I hope this helps. Thanks for the 2 points.

A few days ago
I don’t know if you can use this, but Hephaestus suspected his wife Aphrodite of having an affair with Ares. He made chains that were almost invisible, but very strong and draped them round the bed. When Ares and Aphrodite “got together”, they were caught and were a source of amusement to the other gods for quite a time.

A few days ago
Run For Your Life ! 🙂
First of all WIKPEDIA is not a reliable source….Anyone can go on and change definitions if if they were originally correct. Try using a website like

http://www.lii.org/ and type is ur search or try

http://www.scholar.google.com both are very reliable sources and youlol probably find what you are looking for


A few days ago
the encyclapedia would probably provide more information