A few days ago

Help me with my psychology assignment (16-19 year olds only, please)?

I am currently taking a child psychology class and my assisnment is to ask a 16-19 year old a series of questions. please indicate your gender and age along with the following answers. Thanks!

1) Describe your early adolescent years – ages 12 to 15 In your own words.

2) What do you know now that you wish you knew in junior high/middle school?

3)What do you wish that the adults in your life did differently to help you when you were in junior high/middle school?

4) How much did peer pressure in middle school affect your decision making?

5) What do you think you were like to deal with ( hard to handle/ easy going..and such). thanks

6) were you in any social cliche’s/ groups – and tell me about what it was like to belong/ not belong

I need 5 full answers…thanks

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Female- 18

1.) My early adolescent years were pretty tough b/c I had to go through some drastic changes as a person. I don’t know how my parents put up with my typical teenage attiude b/c I know that it was terrible.

2.) I think the most important thing I learned was how to be yourself. I used to always follow what other people did just to fit in. Now I don’t care what people think about me.

3.) Well, I think a little more understanding of the changes that I was going through. Most adults don’t understand how hard being a teenager truly is; for example having horrible attitudes and wanting more attention from everyone else.

4.) Peer pressure played a lot into many of the decisions that I made. As previously stated I used to want to do whatever my friends wanted to do without giving any consideration about the consequences of anything that they did. I just figured that if I did what they did I would fit in better.

5.) My attitudes, I think, were the hardest to handle. I would scream at my parents, talk back to them, and everything b/c I felt like they were always against everything that I wanted to do. At 15, though, I became a little more easy going and became more responsible with my school work and started to realize that to fit in I had to be myself and not worry about what others thought about me.

6.) I was not in a specific social cliche but I always wanted to fit in with the “cool” people. I wanted to fit in with the people that were outgoing, dressed nice, and overall that everyone liked to be around. As I got older, though, I realized that being in that social cliche would bring about my own demise. Now the people that I used to think were “cool” are the ones that hve kids, did not graduate high school, or are on drugs.