A few days ago

help me with my project plsssssssss..?

can you give me any idea of investigatory project? plsssssss help me

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Lucy’s Mama 1

Favorite Answer

Since I had many boring investigatory projects when I had to do science fairs, I went on line and found a good site. It gives you ideas for topics and if you click on the topic it tells you the right way to set up the report (hypothesis, etc.). An example of some topics:

Do cooked beans grow?

Do detergents affect plant growth?

Which types of food mold the fastest?(this one looks interesting!!)

What affect does music have on plant growth?

The site is ScienceFairProject.com I think you will find this will give you all the help that you need. Let me know what you decide on and how your project came out, I’m interested.


A few days ago
*Surface tension of penny in a water

*Effectiveness of Virgin Coconut Oil

*Mango as an alternative mouthwash (this topic won, first place in a science fair)