A few days ago

Help me on this home work!!! [please]?

is it wrong to be an introvert or is it a matter of style? is it better to be sociable? should you force yourself to socialize if you like being alone?

please help me



Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I think being an introvert can be taken in two ways, 1) the forced type of introvert that is pushed away by society and forced to be alone 2) Just a type of person that just likes to be alone and feels comfortable, so no one should have to be forced to be sociable if there is no need or want to be. Being social should definitely be a choice made by a person that should never be forced

A few days ago
It’s not WRONG to be an introvert, but it can be damaging. It’s about balance. I was never the popular girl, and a lot of people didn’t know that I existed, my self-esteem wasn’t low, but I wouldn’t be the first to stand up for myself, and I missed out on a lot. But the few friends that I did have adored my personality. And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more social and realize that I am a great person, but I am not the crowd pleaser that a lot of people try to be.

You just have to find your crowd. The ones that accept you for who you are and realize that you are not going to go out all of the time, and you won’t be rowdy or spontaneous too often.

You do need to make some social connections to be successful, so you do have to be a bit sociable and know how to communicate efficiently, but you don’t have to party all the time and participate in gossip circles and what not. Just imagine your children not having any friends and not being able to help them make friends. It’s better that they know how to make friends, but also have the choice to play by themselves.

So it’s okay to be an introvert, just not a recluse.