A few days ago

Help in algebra 2…?

For the life of me…I don’t know what to do next. don’t give me the answer just give me instructions on what to do next.This is how far I got:

Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of the graph of this equation:


what do I do now??

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The x-intercept is where Y = 0 and the y intercept is where X = 0

For example — if you had an equation where Y = 3X+2 — then set X = 0 (so Y = 3*0+2=2) to get a Y intercept of 2.

In your equation, setting X = 0 gives you Y = 0 — and vice versa. So — the X and Y intercepts are both zero.


A few days ago
Deana G
here’s what I found on a web site…here’s the link


Example 2: Graph each linear function by finding the x- and y- intercepts. -3x = y

Step 1: Find the x- and y- intercepts.

Let’s first find the x-intercept.

What value are we going to use for y?

You are correct if you said y = 0.

*Find x-int. by replacing y with 0

*Inverse of mult. by -3 is div. by -3

The x-intercept is (0, 0).

Next, we will find the y- intercept.

What value are we going to plug in for x?

If you said x = 0, you are right.

*Find y-int. by replacing x with 0

The y-intercept is (0, 0)

Hey, look at that, we ended up with the exact same point for both our x- and y-intercepts. As mentioned above, there is only one point that can be both an x- and y- intercept at the same time, the origin (0, 0).

Step 2: Find at least one more point.

Since we really have found only one point this time, we better find two additional solutions so we have a total of three points.

We can plug in any x value we want as long as we get the right corresponding y value and the function exists there.

Let’s put in an easy number x = 1:

*Replace x with 1

So the ordered pair (1, -3) is another solution to our function.

Let’s put in another easy number x = -1:

*Replace x with -1

So the ordered pair (-1, 3) is another solution to our function.

Note that we could have plugged in any value for x: 5, 10, -25, …, but it is best to keep it as simple as possible.

The solutions that we found are:

x y (x, y)

0 0 (0, 0)

1 -3 (1, -3)

-1 3 (1, 3)


A few days ago
The slope intercept form is

y = mx + b

your equation is

y = 3x + 0

Got that?

b is the y-intercept.

Got that?

to get x- intercept, set y = 0

Hope that brings some smile on your face.