A few days ago

Help I Have a Project Due Tomarrow!?

I need 10 questions i can interveiw a high schooller with! i’d reely like if u guys gave me some ideas! thanks<3

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
llvllz.Double Dee

Favorite Answer

-Before you entered high school what were your thoughts about it?

-Was what you thought about high school actually how it was?

-Do you play any sports or are you in any activities? Which?

-Which classes do you find the hardest? Easiest?

-Do you notice a lot of cliques? Which one do you think you fit into?

-Do you feel a sense of academic competition at this school? Does it affect the way you study? How?

-Do you have a hard time with peer pressure? How do you deal with it?

-Who is your favorite teacher? Why?

-What class are you the most nervous about taking?

-Are you planning on going to college after you graduate high school? Which colleges are you planning on applying to?

-You will have to re-order these questions but I think this will be adeuate and should give you enough information.


A few days ago
Nurse Susan
1] what are your plans after high school – college, military, apprenticeship, work?

2] name your favorite subject and why.

3] name your favorite teacher/instructor/academic advisor and why.

4] what is the most important thing for you to do after high school?

5] if someone handed you a thousand dollars right now, and you had one hour to spend it, what would you buy?

6] if you had to perform community service, what would you pick to do?

7] name a charity you like and why [ must be a real one ]

8] if money was no object, where would you travel to?

9] if money was no object, what would you buy for your family?

10] name any three musicians over 50 whose music you like.

[ full names and at least one song title. ]


A few days ago
Yuri ^_^
what do the questions have to be about? Highschool?

Peer pressure?


Ask them stuff like

so how do you deal with peer pressure?

Do you have any tips for making the transition from middle school to Highschool?

When do you apply for college?

How do you balance your scedule with so many activities?


A few days ago
Why didn’t you wait until tomorrow morning to begin the project?

A few days ago
is highschool wat u expected it to be?

if not, is it harder or worse?

how so?

is it much different from middle school?

at what point did u catch senioritis?

thats all i got off the top of my head, hope i was some help


A few days ago
xoxo mlw 0813
ask what their thoughts are about loosing your virginity. people think very differnt about that stuff.