A few days ago

Help!!! Essay Writing…plz?

Urgent!! Plz help….

Can anyone write an essay on any of these topics plzzz

my paper is due tomorrow…

i would really appreciate if u write an essay or give me ideas on what to write about for any of these themes….

1) Courage

2) Misunderstanding

3) Love and Forgiveness

4) Regret

5) Embarrassment

6) Happiness and Pride

7) Disappointment

8) Sadness

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
embroidery fan

Favorite Answer

Pick a topic, like Disappointment.

Divide it into 3 parts:

What I Hoped For

What Happened/What I Got

How I felt Afterward

or Courage

The Incident that Happened

Why I Needed Courage to Face It

What Happened Afterward

Just write up each paragraph & you’re done!


A few days ago
well if it’s a personal account then it really makes so much sense for someone like me (a total stranger) to write the essay…

choose the topic that means most to you. or that the one which gives you the most ideas of examples in your life. can you think of a time you’ve been courageous? embarassed? sad? use these as building blocks and come up with 3-4 mains points about what that topic means…

look up some history, give an example from personal experience, do they relate?

oh… i should mention. Start earlier than the day before it’s due

by the way, those are silly essay questions…


A few days ago
You mentioned in your query that your assignment was, quote, “its a personal recount.” I’m sure you have personal experiences you can relate about friends and family, situations at school . . . Your life must be rich. I would recommend minding your punctuation in your essay, as writing “its a personal recount” in it would be a demerit: ‘it’s’ should have an apostrophe, as it’s the contraction of ‘it is.’

Good luck . . .


A few days ago
How about using those 8 concepts and words in an essay about the War in Iraq…talk about the beginning of the war, the 5 years since it has begun and the futility of it going on forever….

A few days ago
how about an essay about you gathering up the courage to write your own essay?

😛 its a personal recount after all


A few days ago
no one can write a personal recount for you, as if that weren’t obvious enough

A few days ago
hi there,

take a look at this: http://www.ielts-exam.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=7&id=15&Itemid=28